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Dyslexia is a neurological condition that affects reading and writing skills. It stems from differences in brain function and structure, not from intelligence, effort, or vision and hearing abilities. Instead, studies have shown that there are differences found in the way the brain develops and functions and in the wiring of the brain. Research also suggests that poor auditory and visual processing play a role. Imaging has shown overactivity in the frontal lobe and under activity in the temporal lobe. The traditional approach to dyslexia involves learning coping strategies.

Key Factors with Dyslexia

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Brain structure abnormalities
  • Differences in brain function
  • Auditory processing issues
  • Visual processing challenges

Complications from Dyslexia

  • Difficulty recognizing words
  • Poor spelling, and writing skills
  • Memorization Challenges
  • Speaking problems
  • Verbal comprehension difficulties
  • Low self-esteem
  • Academic and work performance issues
  • Social interaction problems

Dyslexia Treatment Options

Our Approach to Dyslexia

Our Comprehensive Approach to Dyslexia Treatment, Utilizing QEEG & Neurofeedback Therapy (NFB)

Quantitative EEG (QEEG) allows us to map brain activity, identifying areas of dysregulation. By targeting these areas with Neurofeedback Therapy, we can improve brain function, enhancing reading and spelling skills, phonological processing, and overall cognitive performance. Using this information, we can focus on the area(s) of the brain most affected and bring those areas back into balance using Neurofeedback Therapy.  Research has shown that Neurofeedback Therapy regulates the activity of the brain waves, resulting in improvement in spelling, accuracy, comprehension with reading, and sustained attention.

Research and Benefits of Neurofeedback Therapy: 

  • Significantly improves reading and spelling abilities 
  • Enhances phonological processing 
  • Boosts brain connectivity and function 
  • Reduces anxiety and boosts self-esteem 
  • Provides long-lasting academic support 

Neurofeedback Therapy has shown promising results in improving the symptoms of dyslexia. By training the brain to function more efficiently, individuals with dyslexia can experience significant improvements in reading, writing, and overall cognitive performance 

Speech Therapy

Our speech therapists provide techniques and strategies for children and adults to communicate more effectively. When working with patients with dyslexia, exercises are used to help recognize and manipulate sounds and syllables to strengthen the foundation for reading and spelling. Visual cues are used with spoken sounds in a multisensory approach and interventions are tailored to the individual needs of each patient to address specific challenges. Building self-confidence surrounding reading, writing, spelling, etc. is a big part of Speech Therapy as it helps build a positive association with these activities. 

Our Approach to Dyslexia

Our Comprehensive Approach to Dyslexia Treatment, Utilizing QEEG & Neurofeedback Therapy (NFB)

Quantitative EEG (QEEG) allows us to map brain activity, identifying areas of dysregulation. By targeting these areas with Neurofeedback Therapy, we can improve brain function, enhancing reading and spelling skills, phonological processing, and overall cognitive performance. Using this information, we can focus on the area(s) of the brain most affected and bring those areas back into balance using Neurofeedback Therapy.  Research has shown that Neurofeedback Therapy regulates the activity of the brain waves, resulting in improvement in spelling, accuracy, comprehension with reading, and sustained attention.

Research and Benefits of Neurofeedback Therapy: 

  • Significantly improves reading and spelling abilities 
  • Enhances phonological processing 
  • Boosts brain connectivity and function 
  • Reduces anxiety and boosts self-esteem 
  • Provides long-lasting academic support 

Neurofeedback Therapy has shown promising results in improving the symptoms of dyslexia. By training the brain to function more efficiently, individuals with dyslexia can experience significant improvements in reading, writing, and overall cognitive performance 

Speech Therapy

Our speech therapists provide techniques and strategies for children and adults to communicate more effectively. When working with patients with dyslexia, exercises are used to help recognize and manipulate sounds and syllables to strengthen the foundation for reading and spelling. Visual cues are used with spoken sounds in a multisensory approach and interventions are tailored to the individual needs of each patient to address specific challenges. Building self-confidence surrounding reading, writing, spelling, etc. is a big part of Speech Therapy as it helps build a positive association with these activities.