May / June 2021 Newsletter

We Are Growing!
Saying Oxford Recovery Center is growing is a bit of an understatement! When Oxford Recovery Center moved into our 32,000 square foot Brighton campus from our 1,800 square foot facility in South Lyon, we never thought we would outgrow the space. Two years later, we are busting at the seams. We have broken ground on a 35,000 square foot expansion to our main Brighton facility that will more than double our space!
In 2020, we started leasing an extra suite for our Troy facility. The 5,000 square foot addition provides much-needed space for our growing ARTS™ autism services program, as well as space for our speech and occupational therapy areas.
Next, 6,500 square feet of space was completed inside our main Brighton facility. The expanded space features new, state-of-the-art physical therapy rooms equipped with universal exercise units, pilates reformers, and TheraSuit™ Intensive Therapy. We also add a Solo-Step Tracking System and were told by the installers that it is second in size only to Harvard Medical School. The system aids in balance and prevents patients from falling. It allows our staff to concentrate on therapeutic activity without worrying about the patient’s safety. In the new space, occupational therapy rooms, a staff area, and a multi-functional room were also added.
In early 2021, we further renovated our campus on Fieldcrest, adding over 3,000 square feet of usable space for our ARTS™ programs. Located next to Island Lake State Park, the Fieldcrest campus houses our Camp ABA and ABA Academy programs.
On May 17th, we broke ground on a 35,000 square foot expansion to our main Brighton facility. The expansion is designed for new, unique autism programs unlike any in the country!
“We are excited about the new construction,” says our Founder and CEO, Dr. Tami Peterson. “It will allow us to offer innovative programs and services needed by many in the autism community.”
Stay tuned for weekly emails with construction updates!