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Should You Go Gluten-Free?

While gluten-free foods and diets have become more common in stores and restaurants, there is still a common misunderstanding surrounding what gluten and its effects on people. For those with something like celiac disease, eating gluten can have serious if not deadly effects. For everyone else, gluten is a common and almost necessary part of our diet. Pasta, bread, baked goods… these are some of most people’s favorite foods! What most might not know is that a sensitivity to gluten may be much more common than we think.

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in grains that act as a “glue”. In foods, gluten gives baked goods a soft and chewy texture. What most don’t know is that gluten can act as an inflammatory food, and for those with a sensitivity or intolerance to gluten, they may feel tired, nauseous, or bloated after eating large amounts of food with gluten. So, if you eat a big bowl of pasta and feel really tired and bloated afterward… guess what? That’s not a normal reaction! For years, you may have been dealing with a gluten intolerance that’s been wreaking havoc on your body, and in turn, your mental health.

Eating gluten with a gluten allergy or sensitivity can also result in upset stomach, irregular bowel movements, headaches and migraines, brain fog, fatigue, depression, anxiety and other mood disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, tingling and numbness in the extremities, skin problems such as acne, eczema, or unexplained rash, and infertility. So, even if you don’t have a gluten allergy that you know of, it may be beneficial to start incorporating new gluten-free options into your diet. Thankfully, The Oxford Center has some recipes to help you get started!  

Gluten & Dairy-Free Chicken Alfredo Pasta 

Pasta is one of the first foods we think of when we think of gluten, so going gluten-free may be a little daunting if you really love pasta. Thankfully, The Oxford Center is here to help! This is one of Chef JeAnnah’s own recipes for a FANTASTIC healthy, gluten-free, and even dairy-free chicken alfredo pasta!

This pasta recipe has lots of healthy fats from the cashews, fiber from the gluten-free pasta, lean protein from the chicken, and it even has extra vitamins and calcium from the fresh parsley!

You can even try making your own Gluten-Free Pasta! 

Making your own pasta at home can be a really fun way to relax and spend quality time with friends and family!

A Regular Gluten-Free Cooking Show is Coming Soon?!

You read that right! Very soon, The Oxford Center will be releasing a weekly cooking show featuring some AMAZING and fun gluten-free recipes. This show will be released every Tuesday on YouTube and social media and will feature Chef JeAnnah as she cooks up and shares some of her favorite recipes! Going gluten-free doesn’t have to mean giving up all the foods you love. There are lots of great gluten-free recipes out there so stay tuned while we release some more!