The Power of Sensory Integration Therapy: An Interview with Alicia Hisey

In the constantly changing world of therapy and rehabilitation, the commitment to ongoing education and professional development is vital for practitioners to refine and enhance their expertise. We had the privilege of sitting down with Alicia Hisey, a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Neurological Clinical Specialist, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Certified Autism Clinical Specialist, and now, certified in Ayres Sensory Integration, to discuss her latest certification and its profound implications for therapy practice. Let’s delve into our conversation.
What is your new certification and its description?
Alicia Hisey proudly announces her recent achievement: the Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI). Per Doctor Hisey, “ASI allows me to use the sensory systems to integrate everything: how we navigate our world, feel under our skin, and sensory interpretation. The sensory systems are so complex that it takes learning about them in particular. I can now use all the info to guide the treatment, especially in children and adults with Autism. They often can’t understand their sensory system, which leads to increased behavior and a confused nervous system. Now that we are able to understand the systems, we can start treating the underlying issues in the sensory systems.”
How does this certification integrate with the other certifications you have and/or use daily and what are some of your goals moving forward?
Alicia underscores the significance of ASI in her practice, emphasizing its integration with other disciplines. “The 8 sensory systems fall stronger into disciplines; the balance being a huge part of Physical Therapy, oral motor sensory and understanding is in speech. Taking the deeper understanding and addressing sensory systems where they belong is pivotal.” Alicia expresses her commitment to enhancing clinicians’ understanding of the profound involvement of sensory systems in daily functioning.
How would you pitch this therapy to someone who was interested in it?
Alicia makes a compelling case for sensory integration therapy, stating, “Everyone relies on their sensory systems to interpret their world. By improving the sensory systems, you can enhance your body’s navigation of the world.”
What is your favorite thing that you have learned about this certification?
Reflecting on her journey, Alicia shares, “I have learned to look at the little cues; a lot of times, having this deeper understanding of the way kids do what they do with their surroundings, I can now relate it back to a cause.”
In conclusion, Alicia Hisey’s journey with the Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration underscores the transformative power of continuous learning and specialization in therapy. As she continues to pave the way for enhanced understanding and effective treatment, her expertise serves as a beacon of hope for individuals navigating the complexities of sensory integration challenges.