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Welcome to a Gluten-Free Summer!

As the days grow longer and the temperatures rise, we are entering into the much-anticipated summer season. With the sunshine comes the excitement of time off from school, outdoor activities, and the joyful energy of our kiddos. However, the bustling summer days also mean we have hungry mouths to feed more often. But worry not, because this summer, we have your gluten-free recipes set! Who is ready for a gluten-free summer?

Why Go Gluten-Free?

Whether your family follows a gluten-free diet due to celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or simply by choice, ensuring that your meals are both delicious and safe is crucial. The good news is that gluten-free eating doesn’t have to be restrictive or bland. There are countless tasty and nutritious options that your kids will love.

For more information on celiac disease, see the link to Michigan Gluten-Free Gal’s page!

Here are some gluten-free and celiac-safe summer foods and snacks that are perfect for your little ones:

Fresh Fruit Kabobs

Nothing screams summer like fresh, juicy fruit. Fruit kabobs are not only colorful and fun to eat but also incredibly healthy. Simply skewer chunks of pineapple, strawberries, grapes, and melon onto bamboo sticks. For an extra treat, drizzle a little honey or chocolate sauce over them.

Smoothie Popsicles

Cool down on a hot day with refreshing smoothie popsicles. Blend together your favorite fruits, a splash of almond milk or coconut water, and a spoonful of honey. Pour the mixture into popsicle molds and freeze. These icy treats are a healthy alternative to store-bought popsicles and are sure to be a hit with the kids.

Rice Cake Sandwiches

Rice cakes are a versatile gluten-free option that can be turned into a fun and tasty snack. Spread nut butter, cream cheese, or avocado on a rice cake and top with sliced fruit or vegetables. These mini sandwiches are perfect for picnics or as a light lunch.

Frozen Yogurt Bark

For a delightful dessert, make frozen yogurt bark. Spread gluten-free yogurt on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Top with fresh berries, nuts, and a drizzle of honey. Freeze until firm and then break into pieces. This sweet treat is a fun way to enjoy yogurt and fruit.

Quinoa Salad

Quinoa is a fantastic gluten-free grain that can be used in a variety of dishes. Create a light and refreshing quinoa salad with chopped vegetables, fresh herbs, and a tangy lemon vinaigrette. Add some chickpeas or grilled chicken for extra protein.

DIY Gluten-Free Pizza

Let your kids get creative with a DIY pizza night. Use gluten-free pizza crusts or make your own from scratch. Set out a variety of toppings such as tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni, vegetables, and fresh basil. Bake until the crust is crispy and the cheese is melted. This is a fun and interactive way to enjoy a family meal together.

This summer, embrace the season with these delightful and safe gluten-free recipes. Not only will your kids love the variety and flavors, but you’ll also have peace of mind knowing they’re eating healthy, nutritious meals. So, let’s make this summer one to remember with delicious, gluten-free foods that the whole family can enjoy. Here’s to a gluten-free summer full of sunshine, laughter, and tasty treats!

For all of your gluten-free, celiac-safe tasty needs stop into the Village of TOC. Whether you are craving a sandwich salad combo or a sweet treat we have you covered! Visit us today!