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Tag: special needs

How To Help Children with Special Needs Transition to the New School Year   

As the end of summer approaches and the new school year draws near, children with special needs and parents alike may experience a mix of excitement and anxiety about the upcoming changes. Transitioning from a laid-back summer schedule to the structured routine of school can be challenging for many children, particularly those with special needs who thrive on predictability and consistency. As parents and caregivers, we want to do our best to ensure our children are as prepared as possible to be successful. Thankfully, there are proactive steps we can take to help ease this transition and ensure a smooth start to the new school year.  

What Can you do at Home to Help your Special Needs Child Transition?  

transition special needs

Communicate and Prepare:

Open and honest communication is key to helping children with special needs prepare for the school year. Start discussions early, explaining the changes that will occur once school starts. Use visual aids, social stories, or picture schedules to help them understand the daily routine and what to expect in the classroom. 

Reestablish Routines:

During the last weeks of summer, gradually reestablish school-year routines. This includes consistent wake-up times, mealtimes, and bedtime schedules. Predictability and familiarity can help reduce anxiety and provide a sense of security for children with special needs. 

Visit the School:

If possible, arrange a visit to the school before the first day. Walk through the building, visit the classroom, and meet the teacher. Familiarizing the child with the school environment can alleviate anxiety and help them feel more comfortable on the first day. 

Encourage Social Interactions:

For some children with special needs, social interactions can be challenging. Organize playdates with classmates or participate in school-sponsored activities before the start of the school year. Building social connections in a relaxed setting can foster friendships and ease the transition into the school community. 

Develop a Transition Plan:

Collaborate with the child’s teachers and school staff to develop a personalized transition plan. This plan may include gradual integration into the school setting, shorter school days initially, or additional support services as needed. Individualized attention and support can significantly reduce the stress of starting a new school year. 

Address Specific Concerns:

Identify any specific concerns the child may have and work together to find solutions. For instance, if the child is worried about changes in the daily routine, create a visual schedule they can refer to throughout the day. Addressing these concerns proactively can help alleviate anxiety and promote a positive mindset. 

Create a Back-to-School Countdown:

Use a visual or interactive countdown to the first day of school. This can be a fun and engaging way to build excitement and anticipation for the upcoming school year. 

Encourage Expressing Emotions:

Let the child know that it’s normal to have mixed feelings about starting a new school year. Encourage them to express their emotions and actively listen to their concerns. Offering support and understanding can help validate their feelings and build their confidence. 

Positive Reinforcement:

Offer positive reinforcement and praise for any efforts the child makes during this transition period. Celebrate small victories, such as successful playdates or positive interactions with classmates. Positive reinforcement can boost their self-esteem and motivate them to face new challenges. 


The transition from summer ending to school starting can be a significant milestone for children with special needs and their families. By implementing these practical strategies and providing consistent support, parents and caregivers can help ease the anxiety and uncertainty that may accompany this transition. Through open communication, personalized planning, and a nurturing environment, children with special needs can embark on the new school year with confidence and enthusiasm, ready to embrace the opportunities for growth and learning that lie ahead. At The Oxford Center, our BCBA’s are knowledgeable and experienced with helping your child transition from summertime to school time and are ready to help your child achieve all of their goals. To learn more about our ABA program, click the link below. 

TOC Talks Episode 19, Part Two: “Special Needs Trusts: What You Need to Know”

In part two of this TOC Talks episode, Ashley Waddell Tingstad continues her discussion about special needs trusts with Andrew Kistner. In this episode Ashley talks with Andrew about why special needs trusts are important, what happens to your special needs child if you are gone, and the first steps to take to make sure your child is taken care of. These are some important topics that are constantly at the back of the mind for parents of special needs children. Make sure to tune in to learn what you can do to help make sure your special needs child is taken care of! In part one, Ashley and Andrew talk about her background and why she has personal connection to special needs estate planning. If you missed it, check it out here

Ashley Waddell Tingstad is the Founder and Principal of Treetown Law and manages her own personal blog mom here now where she shares her experiences as a mom and writes on important topics like parenting, grief, medical trauma, spirituality, and more. Ashley truly is a wonderful person, make sure to read more about her!

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Check out our episode and don’t forget to subscribe to TOC Talks! We can be found on all your favorite Audio or Podcast platforms as well as video podcasts on our YouTube and Facebook pages! Find us at the links below!

Want to stay connected and up to date on what is happening at The Oxford Center? Make sure to follow our Social Media Pages! If you would like to find our TOC Talks Podcast page, click on the link below.  

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TOC Talks – Special Needs Trusts: What You Need to Know TOC Talks Ep. 19 Part 2 |

TOC Talks Episode 18, Part One: “Planning for the Worst”

In this special two-part episode of TOC Talks, Andrew Kistner is joined by Ashley Waddell Tingstad, the Founder & Principal of Treetown Law. Ashley is an estate planning attorney who is able to help anyone plan out their estate, however she has a particular interest in estate planning for families with special needs children. In part one of this episode, she shares her deeply personal connection to estate planning and why she chose to enter that field. Ashely shares her journey with her father’s hospice and passing, her uncle’s passing, and the birth of her son Viggo, who ultimately passed away from a very rare genetic condition. Ashley saw firsthand all of the difficulties that come with these experiences, the financial burden, and the planning that needs to happen. Tune in to hear her story and stay tuned for episode two, where they go in depth about estate planning!

Read more from Ashley here: mom here now 

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Check out our episode and don’t forget to subscribe to TOC Talks! We can be found on all your favorite Audio or Podcast platforms as well as video podcasts on our YouTube and Facebook pages! Find us at the links below!

Want to stay connected and up to date on what is happening at The Oxford Center? Make sure to follow our Social Media Pages! If you would like to find our TOC Talks Podcast page, click on the link below.  

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TOC Talks – Planning for the worst: TOC Talks Ep. 18 Part 1 |

TOC Talks Episode 16: “Special needs and Finances”

In this episode of TOC Talks, Andrew talks with Justin Mulholland, a financial advisor, about what financial steps someone with a special needs child should take. Andrew and Justin discuss what someone should do for their finances first, seeking state help, 401k’s, trusts, and more! Tune in to find out what steps you should take to make sure your child is taken care of and what steps to take to make sure you are taken care of too! This is a great and insightful episode for anyone with a special needs child. Don’t miss out!

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Want to listen to TOC Talks without the video? Subscribe to TOC Talks on your favorite Audio or Podcast platform! 

Check out our episode and don’t forget to subscribe to TOC Talks! We can be found on all your favorite Audio or Podcast platforms as well as video podcasts on our YouTube and Facebook pages! Find us at the links below!

Want to stay connected and up to date on what is happening at The Oxford Center? Make sure to follow our Social Media Pages! If you would like to find our TOC Talks Podcast page, click on the link below.  

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TOC Talks – Special needs and Finances?: TOC Talks Ep. 16 |