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TOC Talks Episode 10: “Unlocking the Mystery: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Autism”

In this Episode of TOC Talks, Andrew sits down with Dr. Robert Sherwin, MD, who is an Emergency Room Physician and Board Certified in Hyperbaric Medicine with 18 years of clinical research experience! Dr. Sherwin is a self-proclaimed “skeptic” of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, and he expresses his surprise when he saw some of the results The Oxford Center has had through HBOT! Tune in as Dr. Sherwin discusses how he was first exposed to HBOT while working as an emergency physician in a hospital and his experience in conducting clinical research trials with Hyperbaric!

Check It Out!

Want to learn more about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? Check out what we have to offer! Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – The Oxford Center

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TOC Talks – Unlocking the Mystery: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Autism TOC Talks Ep:10 |

Tami’s Interview on Veteran’s Radio

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Check out this podcast of an interview with Tami on Veterans Radio discussing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Neurofeedback and its application for those who serve our country. Shortly after this interview, the VA announced that it would be offering veterans with PTSD hyperbarics at two of its locations in western states.


Elizabeth’s Recovery Story

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Elizabeth’s first few months of life were filled with hospital stays and doctor’s appointments. After she got a shunt, went into cardiac arrest, and suffered from a hypoxic brain injury, doctors offered little hope for Elizabeth’s future. They said it was unlikely she would come off her vent or be able to walk or talk — a horrible reality for parents to face.

Elizabeth was having frequent infantile spasms, she was unable to have bowel movements and needed to use suppositories. She spent most of the day crying and she had minimal movement. Thankfully, Elizabeth’s parents knew there had to be something out there that could help their little girl. Upon researching the Internet, they came across The Oxford Center.

Elizabeth immediately started Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). The results were immediate and profound. Within her first round of 40 HBOT sessions, Elizabeth had her first bowel movement on her own and smiled for the first time since her surgery. She’s much happier each day, is off all reflux medication, is gaining strength, and is able to move her arms and body more. She is beginning to talk and an EEG showed that she is seizure free.

Elizabeth’s gains are just the beginning of the progress she will continue to make with her HBOT treatments at The Oxford Center.

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Hyperbaric Conference

Hello, everyone! I am excited to share with you some information I discovered, while at the 11th Annual International Hyperbaric Medical Association Conference down in New Orleans, about hyperbaric oxygen therapy and its uses for treating some of America’s most prevalent diseases. As you may know from my previous monthly columns, we at The Oxford Center offer a diverse range of therapies, one of which is hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

   Here’s a quick refresher: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy puts the body in an environment in which one breathes pure, medical-grade oxygen under greater than atmospheric pressure for about 60-90 minutes. Breathing pressurized oxygen, in this modality, super saturates the blood and carries this vital gas to the cells. The medical community has gradually expanded the use of this therapy for the many conditions listed on our website:

   At the conference, we heard lectures by leaders in hyperbaric medicine about new research in the field. These studies focused on cancer treatments, the ketogenic diet, treatments for autism, enhancing the athletic performance of athletes, acute and post concussion treatment, hyperbaric therapy in veterinary medicine, and the combination of intensive neuro-physical therapy with hyperbaric oxygen therapy for cerebral palsy.

   The presented cancer research examined the changes that different types of cancer cells go through that prevent them from easily processing fats and oxygen. Dominic D’Agostino, Ph.D., referred to the ketogenic diet and hyperbaric oxygen as a shock therapy to cancer cells that places the body in a state in which the cancer cells cannot easily survive. Combined with traditional therapies such as chemo and radiation, his work shows promise in gaining greater insights into how cancer cells work and how we may be able to fight against this disease.

   The research presented on autism had to do with a relatively new term in the scientific community: epigenetics. This term refers to the new finding that though the genetic coding of a gene typically does not change throughout a person’s lifetime, the genetic expression of a person’s genes frequently changes due to environmental factors. Through the use of hyperbaric oxygen and diet, changes may occur in the gene expression that can alleviate some of the symptoms of autism.

   Cerebral palsy has been a significant condition treated at The Oxford Center for some time now. Research presented about this condition at the conference showed that hyperbaric oxygen combined with an intensive neuro physical therapy program can lead to some tremendous results in these children’s lives, up to 45 times the expected gain. That’s huge! This was measured by improvements in the child’s ability to maneuver and perform everyday tasks with the Gross Motor Functional Measure (GMFM) evaluation.

   Veterinary medicine has adopted hyperbaric medicine for a broad range of conditions. Veterinarians speaking at the conference have shown examples of burns healing much faster with the use of hyperbaric. Furthermore, cancer having longer than expected lives with enhanced quality; spinal damage healing, even some with paralysis; and crush injuries returning to normal at amazing speeds. We watched videos of injured dogs, who most centers would have recommended putting down, return to normal after hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

 To find out how The Oxford Center can help you, call for a no charge consultation. Call Dr.Tami Peterson’s team today at 248-486-3636 to schedule an appointment at the new state-of-the-art Troy Location at 165 Kirts Blvd., Suite 500 or visit Let your healing begin!


The nervous system is one of the most intricate creations ever examined by humankind; the irony is that we are attempting to use its gifts and limitations for the purpose of having it examine itself. Through a series of chemical reactions, the brain creates “waves” that influence how we behave. When damage occurs to the brain, or if someone is born with a disability, the neurological system can become unbalanced, leading to conditions such as ADD/ADHD or memory problems. The causes can range from a traumatic brain injury to a stroke, or just everyday life events. qEEQ neurofeedback at The Oxford Center utilizes an FDA-approved Brainmaster neurofeedback device and works by providing positive feedback to the brain to retrain different segments and bring the brain back into balance.

The concept behind neurofeedback dates back to early findings about how the nervous system works. During the time of Luigi Galvani (1737-1798) and George Ohm (1787-1854), experiments were beginning to show that the nervous system appeared to display some traits that were similar to electricity. The findings allowed them to start measuring the different responses of the nervous system to voltages. The experiments conducted began to bring out the concept that scientists would be able to measure the body’s electrical output. Today, we know that the body does not produce the same electricity that we find in the wires on the wall; however, the concepts that scientists such as Galvani worked on have allowed us to measure wavelengths in the brain.

Fast forward to today, and the field of Neurofeedback has grown tremendously. What is Neurofeedback, though? Quite simply, feedback is giving the subject information about itself or its performance that it would not otherwise generally perceive for the purpose of improving and/or changing its performance. In this instance, the subject is the brain, and its performance is its brain wave activity. The brain cannot easily perceive what it is doing. There are no sensors for it to check for optimal functioning beyond maintaining homeostasis. Seeing an EEG, and giving positive feedback when the brain exhibits a good brain wave pattern, the brain learns and remembers how to exhibit only the correct patterns.  The best example of this would be like telling your friend to comb her out-of-place hairs.

What is it like to experience the therapy? The person first sits in a large, comfortable chair as a technician puts what looks like a shower cap on the patient. This cap has electrodes connected to it that amplify brain waves so that the computer can read them. This is a non-invasive process in which the person experiences no discomfort, in fact it is very relaxing. After the technician correctly places the NFB cap on the person’s head, the next step will begin. The patient will be directed to look at the television, on which a video will be playing, or he or she will be told to listen to some music. When the brain segment that is being trained is operating within the parameters established by the technician, the music or video will play; when the brain continues to operate out of balance, the music will fade. Over time this process brings the brains different regions back into a normal range of functioning.

To find out how The Oxford Center can help you, call for a no-charge consultation. Call Dr. Tami Peterson’s team today at 248-486-3636 to schedule an appointment at the new state-of-the-art Troy Location at 165 Kirts Blvd., Suite 500, or visit Let your healing begin!

Neurological Conditions and Suit Therapy

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Suit Therapy is an intensive neuro-physical therapy that combines both conventional and non-conventional techniques to help with the rehabilitation of neurological damage. The approach concentrates on retraining the body from a neurological standpoint compared to the traditional muscular approach. For this reason, Suit Therapy is especially helpful for patients that have had a Stroke, or suffer from cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders. The therapy sessions are very intensive and consist of three full hours of one-on-one with a therapist, allowing them to focus on the individual’s specific needs.

One of the largest challenges to a physical therapist is to stop a patient’s body from overcompensating to perform movements. Often, cerebral palsy patients will compensate for their weakened side by adjusting their movements and putting extra effort into the other side. Suit Therapy works to stop compensation from different muscle groups by putting the body back into proper alignment.

How does Suit Therapy accomplish this task? It starts with the suit. Originally the Suit was designed by the Soviet Space program (SSSR) to maintain the astronaut’s proper muscle activation while in orbit, a problem that astronauts still face today. Astronauts ran into some difficulties with putting the suit on in zero gravity, however physical therapists soon discovered the suit was applicable to correcting the muscle toning of cerebral palsy patients. During the 1990’s “Suit therapy” was developed to help children with Cerebral Palsy. By 2002 the device was brought to America and registered with the FDA.

Fast forward to today, Suit Therapy is used worldwide to bring patients of all types of neuromuscular disorders back to health and sometimes for the first time to health. The customizable suit allows the therapist to provide the proper tensions and supports to different parts of the patient’s body to bring proper muscle activation. Similar, yet adapted, from the very same concepts that were designed to maintain an astronaut’s health in space.

With stroke patients, the underlying reason for the weakened body parts is the loss of the connection and signaling from the brain to the body part. It is as though the brain has forgotten certain muscles in the body exist. Suit Therapy is specialized to retrain the body’s neural pathways to fire off muscle activation.

Suit Therapy can give brain-damaged patients their lives back by improving strength, endurance, balance, coordination, and motor skills. They will regain proper patterns of movement and support, normalize muscle tone, and improve their functionality to work towards independence.

If you have experienced a neurological debilitation with loss of fine motor skills, inability to walk or brain imbalance, let The Oxford Center conduct a FREE evaluation of your disorders and determine a plan for your recovery.  The Oxford Center integrates Neuro Physical Therapy and Suit Therapy programs to accelerate the development of new motor skills that strengthen muscles and teach the brain and body how to sit, stand and walk again. Call Dr.Tami Peterson today at 248-486-3636 to schedule an appointment at their new state-of-the-art Troy Location located at 165 Kirts Blvd., Suite 500. To learn more about their integrative therapy approach for a myriad of physical and neurological disorders visit Let your healing begin!

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How Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Help Stroke Recovery

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the administration of 100% pure oxygen under greater than normal atmospheric pressure. Although it has only recently gained widespread attention in the United States, HBOT has been used for over 100 years. While it was originally developed for the bends, a diving injury caused by air bubbles in the bloodstream, HBOT’s numerous healing effects have since been recognized. HBOT aids in recovery from so many conditions that it has been described as “a therapy in search of diseases.” By pushing higher levels of oxygen deeper into the body’s systems, HBOT has successfully given life back to a wide variety of patients.

Generally speaking, strokes can be classified as either ischemic or hemorrhagic. Approximately 80% of all strokes are ischemic (Grysiewicz et al., 2008). Current studies have shown that both hemorrhage within the brain and primary ischemia can cause a lack of oxygenation and nutritional supply and a series of neurochemical events that lead to spreading brain damage.1  This inhibits nutrients and blood supply from reaching the damaged parts of the brain and has traditionally made healing limited, if not impossible.

How does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy improve patients’ healing? HBOT increases the  dissolved oxygen levels in plasma and can even nourish tissues in the absence of red blood cells.2 HBOT also promotes capillary development throughout the body. These changes bring more oxygen and nutrients to cells in need of healing. Hyperbarics solves one of the root dilemmas of stroke recovery by improving nutrient and oxygen circulation to damaged tissues. This allows patients to focus their efforts on training the body to adapt to its rehabilitated function through programs such as neuro physical therapy and neurofeedback.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can give stroke patients back their lives by improving strength, endurance, balance, coordination, motor skill, verbal skill, and memory recall. These improvements can provide the patient a greater level of independence than before. Additional benefits of HBOT in stroke patients include: improved oxygenation, reduced intracranial pressure, improved metabolic rate of cerebral tissue, and inhibited post-stroke cell apoptosis and necrosis.

If a stroke has left you or a loved one debilitated with a loss of fine motor skills, inability to walk, or brain imbalance, let Oxford Recovery Center conduct a FREE evaluation of your disorders in order to develop a customized recovery plan. Oxford Recovery Center Integrates Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in conjunction with Neuro Physical / Suit Therapies and Neurofeedback Programs to accelerate the development of new motor skills that strengthen muscles and teach the brain and body how to sit, stand and walk again. Call The Oxford Center today at 248-486-3636 to schedule an appointment at their Brighton or Troy, Michigan locations. To learn more about Oxford’s integrative therapy approach for a myriad of physical and neurological disorders visit Let your healing begin!

  1. Zhai, Wei-Wei et al. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Experimental and Clinical Stroke.” Medical Gas Research 6.2 (2016): 111–118. PMC. Web. 15 June 2017.
  2. Lim, J., W K. Lim, T T. Weo, Y Y. Sitoh, and E. Low. “Management of HemorrhageStroke with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.” Singapore Med J, vol. 42, no. 5, 15 June 2001, 220-23.


The question is not can you, but is it safe and effective. First of all, you cannot legally put a real hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber into your home. In addition to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA-99) regulations and the illegality of medical-grade oxygen purchase, it just would not be safe.

What can you legally put into your home? (This is in the US; Canada does not allow even mild hyperbarics in the home.) The question about what is the difference between hard-sided medical grade hyperbaric oxygen chambers and inflatable hyperbaric chambers (mild/soft hyperbarics) is a common asked question. At The Oxford Center, we use only hard-sided Sechrist chambers. If inflatable bags were an effective treatment modality it would only make sense for us to use them, as the cost would be immensely less expensive for the chamber cost, oxygen (tank, plumbing, corral, and gas), not to mention the extensive NFPA-99 regulations for the build-out. However, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is NOT the same as the mild hyperbarics.

To compare the differences, let’s look at the oxygen in the blood. We measure the changes from arterial blood gases. Arterial oxygen at 2.4 ata 100% oxygen is 1,824 mmHg (normal air pressure is 157mmHg). This refers to how much oxygen is getting into the body, what is making the changes. Compared to using mild/soft chambers, the arterial oxygen at 1.3 ata 24% oxygen is 230 mmHg (normal air pressure is 157mmHg).Now Consider this: If you have a non-rebreather oxygen mask hooked up to an oxygen tank (the oxygen mask you see paramedics use when transporting a patient), the mask can deliver about 55% oxygen. The percentage is used by using the conversion equation (1ATA x 760mmHg x0.55=418mmHg). The moral of the story is that an oxygen mask can deliver a higher amount of oxygen than an inflatable bag so why would you expose yourself to the time and expense for such little benefit.

Let’s examine the reasons why we do NOT use inflatable bags and we do NOT call them hyperbaric oxygen chambers. For a quick comparison:

Hard ChamberSoft Chamber
100% medical grade oxygenAmbient air (approximately 21% oxygen—mostly nitrogen)
Pressurized typically to a max of 3.0 ATA or depth of 66 feet (Some go to 6.0 ATA or 165 feet)Pressurized to a max of 1.3 ATA or depth of 8 feet
Regrow bone and tissue in severely damaged areas of the bodyCannot regrow bone and tissue
Supported by thousands of clinical studies which validate successful healingNo such correlation has been made with soft chambers and healing
Many treatments are recognized for reimbursement by insurance companies and federal governmentNo conditions are reimbursed by insurance companies using soft/mild chambers
Designed to go to therapeutic pressures to achieve healingDesigned to temporarily treat divers and mountain climbers in route to a hard chamber
Kills harmful bacteriaCan promote the undesirable growth of aerobic bacteria
Meets the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy (“ASME PVHO-1”) standardDoes not meet the “ASME PVHO-1” standard
Loss of electrical power has no effect on pressure and oxygen flowLoss of electrical power and chamber rapidly deflates causing possible barotrauma to patient’s ears and pneumothorax to patient’s lungs
No risk of contaminated or polluted air. A closed system of oxygen is piped in directly from a liquid oxygen tank. The liquid oxygen is converted to a gas on-site and pumpled directly into the individual chamber. There is no outside air contamination.Risk of breathing contaminated or polluted air which can be counterproductive
Designed to heal ischemic tissue or tissue that is restricted from receiving enough oxygen by hyper-oxygenating the body, blood and plasmaNo research shows healing ischemic tissue
Research shows a total of 40 treatmentsSome results may be obtained in the lower pressure air filled chambers, however it will take many, many more sessions and the results often do not hold, or create issues with yeast or bacteria growth
Designed to use enriched gases like 100% oxygenNever designed to be used with enriched gases like 100% oxygen
Arterial oxygen at 2.4 ata 100% oxygen is 1,824 mmHg (normal air pressure is 157mmHg). This refers to how much oxygen is getting into the body, what is making the changes.Arterial oxygen at 1.3 ata 24% oxygen is 230 mmHg (normal air pressure is 157mmHg).
Hard vs Soft Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

Tami WJR Interview Troy Grand Opening

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The Oxford Center relocates Troy, Mich. facility doubling its space to accommodate new treatment options

New location will allow Oxford to offer full spectrum of innovative therapies

For Immediate Release

South Lyon, Mich., Feb 22, 2017 – In a move to provide more wellness options to its Troy, Mich.-area clients, The Oxford Center, LLC. (Oxford), an innovative therapy organization that promotes healing through a variety of research-based therapies, officially announced the relocation of its Troy office to a larger space designed to accommodate all Oxford therapy options. The new therapy center is located at 165 Kirts Blvd, Suite 500, Troy, Mich., 48084. Dr. Tami Peterson, PhD, founder and CEO of Oxford, announced the completion at an open house celebration on Thursday, Feb. 22, 2017.

“We are absolutely thrilled at the completion of the Troy relocation,” said Peterson. “This means that we are able to offer the full breadth of our therapy offerings here in Troy, and bring more opportunities for healing to our current and future clients.”

The Oxford Center was founded in 2008, after Peterson (then Powell) experienced first-hand the therapeutic benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (Hyperbaric) in healing her daughter, who had contracted a rare brain disease, Viral Encephalitis. After numerous consultations that offered little hope for her daughter’s recovery, she became aware of and pursued Hyperbaric. This therapy led to her daughter’s full recovery, and kick started what would become The Oxford Center, LLC.

The Oxford Center relocates Troy office, expands offerings

Feb. 22, 2017

Since its founding, Oxford has added therapies including Neuro-Physical Therapy and Neurofeedback. In an effort to promote a lifelong wellness lifestyle, Oxford also added Nutritional Coaching and its Weightloss and Wellness program.

Oxford had also established a Hyperbaric facility in Troy, Mich. in 2010. As its therapy offerings expanded at the South Lyon location, Powell felt that it needed to include the expanded offerings at the Troy location as well. That vision is now a reality and the Troy location is fully equipped and professionally staffed, offering all therapies.

About The Oxford Center, LLC.

Founded in 2008, The Oxford Center is an innovative therapy organization that promotes healing through a variety of research-based therapies tailored to individual needs. While traditional therapies limit people to living with their condition, Oxford’s therapies promote healing and recovery. Oxford offers a variety of programs that strive to create a lifestyle of wellness, improved health and quality of life.

Designed for all age levels, therapies include: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Neuro-physical Therapy, Neurofeedback, Nutritional Coaching and Wellness and Weight loss. Oxford’s therapies can assist clients’ recovery from a variety of conditions, including ADD / ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Depression, Multiple Sclerosis, Sports Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Macular Degeneration. For a full listing of treated conditions, visit the Oxford Web site at


Contact: The Oxford Center

Marc Harlow/

Harlow Public Relations

810-599-2558 (mobile)

Source: The Oxford Center, LLC

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December 2016 Newsletter – Oxford Kids Foundation Gala

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December 2016 Newsletter

Olivia’s Story

New Therapy: Weight Loss & Wellness

Oxford Kids Foundation Gala


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Oxford Kids Foundation Gala

April 22, 2017 at the Orchard Lake Country Club

The Oxford Kids Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping children with disabilities, chronic illness and traumatic injuries.  There are so many children who desperately need therapies to help them recover and get their lives back, but don’t have the funds necessary to pay for them.  These therapies are often not covered under traditional insurance.

Each year, the Oxford Kids Foundation hosts a Gala/Dinner/Auction that raises money for children to receive therapies.  This coming year the Gala will be held at the Orchard Lake Country Club on April 22nd.

It truly is a fun evening to experience!  You will enjoy the dinner and entertainment; but also, you will be inspired by hearing stories of children and families whose lives have been changed!  And, on top of that, you will have fun looking at and bidding on a wide variety of items–there is always so much to choose from and all money raised goes to the Foundation.  Be sure to mark your calendar for this upcoming date and join the fun for a great cause.
