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December 2016 Newsletter – Weight Loss & Wellness

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December 2016 Newsletter

Olivia’s Story

New You for a New Year!

Oxford Kids Foundation Gala


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New Therapy: Weight Loss & Wellness

Many people make New Year’s Resolutions.  Often that resolution is to get healthy and lose some weight.  We now offer a new Weight Loss & Wellness Program that can help you accomplish that resolution in 40 days….that is less than 2 months!  

This highly effective weight loss program is unlike any other program.  It works by eliminating fat instead of shrinking fat cells. Other weight loss programs simply shrink fat cells, causing you to gain weight after your diet. We determine the formulas and supplements you need in order to enhances your body’s fat burning.  When you are in this fat-burning mode you are extremely energized and feel great!

Our Weight-Loss program is individualized and customized just for you–your unique needs and body chemistry. This method can substantially boost your overall health. Patients have noted significant improvements:

“After years of dieting, I cannot believe how easy and successful this program has been for me. I refer to it as my magic bullet. After being overweight my whole life, I actually have a co-worker calling me “skinny mini” now! Not only did it help me lose weight, it also helped me reverse multiple health issues I was having.” – Vivian

Although this program features a low calorie diet, it is not based on calorie counting.  It’s all about balancing hormones, neurotransmitters, detoxifying the body and balancing vitamins and minerals to get you into an incredible fat burning state.  It also focuses on eating specific foods in order to keep burning fat.  We provide coaching and reference materials to make following the program easy.  

The weight loss is fast, but it is also safe and effective, burning away fat cells and targeting abnormal fat stores that you want to lose!  There are no prepackaged foods in this program – you eat real food!  This program raises and resets your metabolism so you don’t gain the weight back.  We have seen people leave here so happy after their 40 day program because they look and feel great!  


December 2016 Newsletter – Olivia’s story

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December 2016 Newsletter

Olivia’s Story

New You for a New Year!

Oxford Kids Foundation Gala


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12 Years After Being a Shaken Baby, Girl Now Has Chance at Recovery with Cutting-Edge Therapy

“I don’t know if I really believed if this therapy was going to work,” Julie said. “I say that because once we got there, the first week she was saying all these new things … but she kept doing it. When I saw her standing, taking a couple steps while just holding her shoulders, I was seeing it and I almost couldn’t believe it.”

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – In the days after tiny Olivia Taylor was shaken and critically injured at the hands of a babysitter, Julie Taylor was told her 5-month-old daughter likely would not survive.

Fast-forward 12 years. Olivia’s abuser was convicted and sent to prison. While Olivia has beaten those early odds, the brain damage she suffered left her with severe disabilities.

A student at Lincoln School in Grand Rapids, Olivia needs a wheelchair to get around. She also needs her mother’s help with daily tasks like eating, brushing her teeth and putting on her clothes. Julie, a single mom, said she’s tried to create a happy life for her pre-teen, surrounded by loving family members.

But she believes her daughter now has the chance to thrive, if she can continue receiving the cutting-edge Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and the intensive Physical Therapy using the TheraSuit Method. The catch? The $12,000 treatments are not covered by the family’s insurance.

In August, Olivia began what could be monthly treatments at The Oxford Center in South Lyon (now, Brighton, Michigan), where pressurized oxygen jumpstarts her body’s stem cell production.

So far, Julie has seen small victories. She says Olivia is starting to balance on her own, and has been more aware of her surroundings and more social in recent weeks.

“I don’t know if I really believed if this therapy was going to work,” Julie said. “I say that because once we got there, the first week she was saying all these new things … but she kept doing it. When I saw her standing, taking a couple steps while just holding her shoulders, I was seeing it and I almost couldn’t believe it.”

The physical therapy Olivia receives helps to increase her strength, balance and coordination, while accelerating her motor skill improvement.

Olivia undergoes about three hours of physical therapy and 90 minutes of hyperbaric oxygen therapy five days a week. In September, she had two weeks of treatment. This month, she is booked for three weeks of treatment.

While Olivia is in therapy, Jule and her daughter stay in hotels or rooms through AirBnB. With room costs, rent at home and food on top of the $12,000 per month treatment fee, Julie is looking for financial help and has started a GoFundMe page.

Olivia receiving a Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Treatment

Their Darkest Day

About four months after Olivia’s birth in 2003, Julie, then 29, went back to work. She had found a 9-5 job and a state-licensed daycare provider, Diane Robinson, to watch Olivia.

But just three weeks into the arrangement, Robinson called Julie at her new job to tell her something was wrong with Olivia. Julie left work for Robinson’s home. When she arrived, she picked Olivia up and noticed that her daughter’s arms went limp and she began having seizures.

Olivia was taken to the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital for a CAT scan. Robinson continued to call non-stop; Julie assumed this was the daycare provider’s way of expressing concern. The CAT scan showed swelling and bleeding on Olivia’s brain, leading doctors to believe she was hurt intentionally, most likely by being shaken.

Julie was questioned. She wondered if her strap-on baby carrier could have caused her daughter’s injury. But investigators told her that was not possible and she was cleared. Bouncing a child or a minor fall are not enough to cause the injuries associated with shaken baby syndrome.

The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome estimates there are 1,300 cases of shaken baby syndrome each year.

As authorities investigated Olivia’s injuries, suspicion fell on Robinson. Julie said the daycare provider changed her story more than once while talking to police about Olivia’s injuries. Robinson told authorities she tripped and landed on the baby, then said the infant fell out of a swing.

In June 2005, Robinson pleaded no contest to first-degree child abuse, insisting the whole ordeal was an accident. She was sentenced to prison.

Judy Mulder, an Ottawa County senior prosecuting attorney who worked on Robinson’s criminal case, said the maximum penalty for first-degree child abuse has since been increased to life in prison.

“(The cases are) sad all around and the results of shaking a baby are lifelong for the parents,” Mulder said.

About 80 percent of shaken baby syndrome survivors suffer brain damage and permanent disabilities, according to the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome.

Mulder said she remembers Julie Taylor as a prayerful person who believed her daughter would eventually recover.

“She was so hopeful of a full recovery,” Mulder said. “She was always insistent her daughter would be totally well.”

A New Hope

Julie believes the new treatments her daughter is receiving could get her closer to that goal. She hopes Olivia will reach at least 50% independence.

“We have so much love and joy,” Julie said of the life she’s built with her daughter. “Sometimes I’m bitter, but most of the time I’m happy and thankful. Even before we found out about this treatment, we were happy.” 

Julie and Olivia Taylor read a book at their home.


December 2016 Newsletter

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December 2016 Newsletter

Olivia’s Story

New You for a New Year!

Oxford Kids Foundation Gala


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October 2016 Newsletter

New Troy Location

The Oxford Center is excited to announce the Troy office has a new location. The new location double’s the previous Troy facility’s size in order to offer its full spectrum of therapies. Therapies offered at this new location include:  Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Neurofeedback, Weight-Loss & Wellness, and coming soon Neuro-Physical Therapy. We are excited about this new facility and welcome you to stop by and check it out. Read more… 

Oxford Kids Foundation

The Oxford Kids Foundation is a 501c3 tax deductible organization dedicated to helping children with life-altering disabilities. The foundation raises money each year to be given as grants that can help pay for treatment.  Read more…

As of now, the foundation has given away all the grants for the entire year.  Children are being turned away because the money is gone.  If you have a heart for children with disabilities, chronic illnesses or traumatic injuries and want to donate money to the foundation, simply visit the website at and click the ‘Donate Now’ button.

New Therapy Added to The Oxford Center

Neuromuscular Therapy is the most recent addition to The Oxford Center.  You don’t age just because you are getting older, you age because you stop moving!  Neuromuscular Therapy can get you moving again!

All people have some muscles that are short and tight and others that are long and weak, just because of living life. Neuromuscular Therapy eliminates that issue by building core strength and neuromuscular glide so the body’s muscles move beautifully together. Read more…

Rick Demeester’s Story

Rick Demeester used Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Neurofeedback to recover from surgery and improve his mental health after a brain injury. Rick is so thankful for the treatment he received at Oxygen Recovery Center.  He says “It changed my life!”  Read more…

October 2016 Newsletter – New Therapy Added to The Oxford Center

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October 2016 Newsletter

New Troy Location

New Therapy Added to The Oxford Center

Oxford Kids Foundation

Rick Demeester’s Story

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orc-nov-reformerNeuromuscular Therapy is the most recent addition to The Oxford Center.  Research has shown that you don’t age just because you are getting older, you age because you stop moving.  Neuromuscular Therapy can get you moving again.

Leading the Nueromuscular Therapy progam is Denise David, a Board-Certified Occupational Therapist. Denise comes to us with several years of experience, and holds many certifications including the National Neurologic Rehabilitation Certificate, Pilates Certificate and Orthopedic Certificate.  

Day-to-day activity, over a lifetime, results in the development of some muscles that are short and tight and others that are long and weak. Neuromuscular Therapy eliminates that issue by building core strength and neuromuscular glide so the body’s muscles move synchronously together. 

This therapy is conducted using a machine called the ‘Reformer.’  The Reformer uses spring tension and cables for support; and exercises are done lying, sitting, kneeling, and in a variety of other positions.  

When you first meet with Denise, she will assess your posture, standing and sitting. She will also discuss any pain or other issues you may be having.  The therapy starts right where you are and builds strength beginning with the core and moving outward, building strength without damaging the joints.  This therapy is ideal for rehabilitation, and also for general improvement in flexibility and strength.  Spinal traction can also be performed with the Reformer, resulting in the relief of back pain.  A little-known fact is that the body has 7 groups of pain-inhibiting muscles – this therapy will strengthen those muscles, providing pain relief.  Imbalances within the body will be identified and corrected and you will be much more aware and in control of your own body.   Denise will give you tools to self-manage as well as exercises to do at home.   You will be transformed.   


October 2016 Newsletter – Oxford Kids Foundation

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October 2016 Newsletter

New Troy Location

New Therapy Added to The Oxford Center

Oxford Kids Foundation

Rick Demeester’s Story

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orc-nov-okfThe Oxford Kids Foundation is a 501c3 tax deductible organization dedicated to helping children with life-altering disabilities.  It is made up of volunteers who care deeply for these children that need therapies and medical care not covered by insurance.  The Foundation raises money each year to be given as grants that can help pay for treatment.  The grants can be used for The Oxford Center treatments, but are not limited to just The Oxford Center.  The grant money can be used for a variety of therapies, as long as it takes place within the state of Michigan.  100 percent of the money raised goes to pay for therapies for these children, and many lives have been changed because of grants received from the Foundation.

To-date, the foundation has awarded all its grants for the year.  Grant requests are being declined due to the lack of funding. You can make a difference, and provide hope for these children with disabilities, chronic illnesses or traumatic injuries. Please visit the Foundation website at and click the ‘Donate Now’ button.


October 2016 Newsletter – Rick Demeester’s Story

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October 2016 Newsletter

New Troy Location

New Therapy Added to The Oxford Center

Oxford Kids Foundation

Rick Demeester’s Story

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orc-nov-rickRick Demeester came to our clinic in the spring of 2016, having just gone through a second back surgery.  Rick had driven by The Oxford Center sign in South Lyon many times, but this particular day in April, after driving by, he turned around and drove in, wanting to find out exactly what Oxford Recovery does and if it would help his back recover from the surgery.  He met and talked with one of the directors and found out that the oxygen therapy could indeed help him recover much more quickly after surgery.  

He then read through the brochure which lists many other conditions that oxygen therapy can help with including:  trouble concentrating, traumatic brain injuries, neurological disorders, poor memory, insomnia, anxiety, etc. and said, “I have ALL these problems.”  

If this therapy can help me recover from surgery AND help with all these other issues on top of that, I can’t lose,” he continued.   He went home and talked to his wife and decided to start with 10 or 12 appointments and then have his family give their honest opinions as to if they thought he was improving mentally. He shared with us his story….

For 30 years, Rick owned his own body shop business in Detroit. One day, nine years ago, he and his foreman were talking after lunch in the front office. Rick saw someone come in the front door wearing a hoodie and a mask.  Thinking it was a joke, Rick, said, “You’re a little late for Halloween.”  But then he noticed that the guy was holding a paper bag in one hand and a black revolver in the other.  He was being robbed.  

Rick tried talking to him saying how business had dropped 50% since 9/11 happened and the casinos were built, and that he didn’t have much money, so maybe robbing him wasn’t that great of an idea.  The man just said “Give me the money” and waved his gun at the safe.  Rick thought he wanted him to open the safe, so he turned to do so.  When he did, the man shot Rick in the head, point blank.   

Rick hit the floor, thinking he was going to die.  He was at peace with God, so he wasn’t afraid, but he was SO mad.  He wanted to be alive for his family – he had two new granddaughters!  As he lay there on the floor, he couldn’t move, but he could talk.  He instructed someone to go get some clean towels to try to stop the blood flowing from his head.  Someone called 911 and he was taken to the hospital.  

Rick survived, recovering first at the hospital, and then at home.  Eventually, his wife returned to work and his in-laws came to stay and take care of him.  Recovering slowly, he remembers the first time he dressed himself: “I put on slip-on shoes because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to remember how to tie my shoes.”  

He had many fears, including resuming driving.  Eventually, he started driving on back roads and

became more comfortable.  One day he decided to drive up Pontiac Trail to the Kroger parking lot.  He remembers being hyper-vigilant with all the people in the parking lot.   Paranoia, and being vigilant about something bad happening was in the forefront of his mind.  His whole personality had changed – he had lost all ambition, motivation and energy, and was depressed.  All he did was sit in a chair and watch tv.  This was nothing like how he used to be before the gunshot.

He started seeing a psychologist and a psychiatrist.  He also saw a neurologist for debilitating migraines.  The medications that were prescribed for him did help with the headaches and pain.  He also was in a PTSD group trying to talk through issues and get back to normal.  

So that day, when he stood in our office, reading the brochure, he began to hope that maybe, the oxygen therapy could help him with these issues that he had been struggling with for the past 9 years.   

After 12 treatments, he sat with his wife, mother-in-law and 2 sons around the kitchen table and said, “OK, I want your honest opinions.  Do you see any change in my behavior?  Good, bad or otherwise?”  Each one of them noticed a change for the better.  They told him his speech was clearer, and that he had some of his old energy back.  They all encouraged him to continue with the treatments, which he did.  

Nearing the end of the 40 treatments one morning, as he was getting ready for the day, his son came up and hugged him and said,  “We have our old dad back!”   

Since completing the 40 rounds of oxygen therapy, everyone has noticed the huge change in his personality.  He is outside working all the time now, always active like he used to be.  He has reconnected and is talking with his friends again.  His wife, who was hesitant because of the cost, said “If we had to pay twice as much, it would’ve been worth it!” Rick is so thankful for the treatment he received at Oxygen Recovery Center.   “It changed my life,”  Rick said.


October 2016 Newsletter – New Troy Location

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October 2016 Newsletter

New Troy Location

New Therapy Added to The Oxford Center

Oxford Kids Foundation

Rick Demeester’s Story

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orc-nov-troyThe Oxford Center is excited to announce its new Troy location. The address is 165 Kirts Blvd., which is south of Big Beaver and west of Livernois.

The Oxford Center was founded in 2008. Since its founding in South Lyon, it expanded to a second location in Troy, and is relocating that facility, doubling the size in order to offer its full spectrum of therapies. Therapies offered at this new location include: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Neurofeedback, Weight-Loss & Wellness, and coming soon Neuro-Physical Therapy.

The new location is near the I-75 / Big Beaver Rd. exit and close to restaurants and shopping. With parking available just outside the clinic entrance, the new location offers better accessibility than the previous location. As you enter the clinic, you’ll find that it is airy and bright with cheery colors. There is a full kitchen and family room with comfortable chairs and sofas accessible to patients and family members. The kitchen has a large table where family members can sit and eat or do homework while waiting. Spacious windows into the chamber room, where the oxygen therapy takes place, provides excellent visibility for friends and family members. The restrooms are large and wheelchair-accessible.

We invite you to stop by and check it out. Look for the grand opening celebration announcement in your e-mail.


Phil’s Story – Anxiety

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Phil’s Story – Anxiety

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Phil treated his anxiety at The Oxford Center. He used Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, qEEG and Neurofeedback, and Oxford Nutritional Counseling. Want to learn more about The Oxford Center?

Oxford HBOT
Oxford Neurofeedback


Women Who Lead Interview with Dr. Tami Powell

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Congratulations to Dr. Tami Powell, Owner of the Oxford Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center. Tami has been chosen by WJR as one of 12 outstanding leaders in the Great Lakes area making a difference in the community. She tells WJR’s Ann Thomas, the alternative therapy made such a huge difference in her daughter’s recovery from an illness, she wanted to offer the same treatment to others.

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